Sherlock Holmes

THE Webmaster

My name is Michael J. Sherman, and I am the person responsible for the web site. This collection of web pages devoted to Holmes first appeared in October of 1994 as 221B Baker Street, one of the first three Sherlock Holmes sites on the web. I started reading the Canon in Fall 1994, and was just consumed by the character of Holmes; It was scary how much of my own personality I saw in his.

I've tried to keep this site as your ultimate stop for information Holmesiana. All the stories, pictures by Paget, and Jeremey Brett sound bites; what more do you need?

You'll also notice that in the seven years this site has been active I have never had an advertising banner anywhere. I simply abhor the idea of ad banners, and am doing this out of my pocket because of my love of all things Holmes. If you feel like donating to cover server and hosting costs, you can do so at PayPal (my email address to send to is So, in that regard, think of this site as a PBS public television station.

Thank you for your continued support on this site, and I hope to only make it better with time.

Michael Sherman
Last updated 11.06.01